Wednesday 9 November 2011

IMI group

it's camille and andrea, from IMI.
we thought about the project and we are not really agree with everything you proposed. we spoke with our tutor and its definitly not possible to have a sensor who take the beat of each person. Also, for us, artistically create a video of a heart beat with blood and dispose it outside is not really original. And nobody will let us dispose a projector outside.
to be honest we really liked the first idea, the ethanol molecule with liquid which destroy things inside, and the concept of alcohol consequences and projecting some differents video on the balls. we understand you had the idea and you dont really want to change it, and its why you dont let us really participate. however because we think you really had a great idea with the ethanol thing, we would like to find compromise with you. we spoke with our imi technicien, and he said its totally possible to project different video in different balls with just one projector, so we are now thinking to create some less obvious videos than the heart beat and project them into balls.
if you dont want us to project on "your balls" we could do two similar installations, one with the video projected on balls. it can be displayed as a support of your installation. the two wont be visible at the same time, they would be separated by a wall.
let us know what you think.

camille and andrea.

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