Sunday 27 November 2011


Ashlee, i really like the idea with buttons, it looks very pretty and 3D!
I think it will look amazing.
 Have you estimated the cost, it would be nice to have an idea of how many buttons we will need and how much it will cost?
We need to know that in order to proceed.
See you tomorrow, so we can discuss these little issues.

Saturday 26 November 2011


Hi, It would have been nice if someone had sent an email about these matters...i shouldn't have to chase everyone in order to no whats going on. If any choices are made within this group everyone needs to notified. We Dnt use the blog often so it was only by chance i saw this.

Here are a few examples of ways we can show the blood on the floor! and also one of how we shouldnt! all the ones that have been posted so far will be flat, have no depth do we not want something that will look almost 3d??

both of these two pieces where made out of small buttons that is one possible choice.

this materiel is called gum rubber, it comes in quite large sheets unfortunatly at the moment i haven't been able to find any suppilers that sell in a smaller batch than a ton!!! 

here s an exaple of how a velvet type carpet would look, i think i looks horrible!! so id like to rule that out from now!!

also as we have a presentation on monday showing our final design, i have started to put together a power point presentation could you all send me scans of your sketch books and any other information that you think should be included to the presentation!! i have written a list of all the equipment i no which we need and the prices which i am currently aware of could you all also send any cost info which you have as i will need to included this within the presentation.

On Thursday David tooks pictures of the final model which we all made this week but he couldn't take pictures of the different projections which i wanted for my sketch book, and i also wanted to no davids opinion on which he liked best so we could come to a choice as a group but they werent with the model. where have they gone?????

Wednesday 9 November 2011

IMI group

it's camille and andrea, from IMI.
we thought about the project and we are not really agree with everything you proposed. we spoke with our tutor and its definitly not possible to have a sensor who take the beat of each person. Also, for us, artistically create a video of a heart beat with blood and dispose it outside is not really original. And nobody will let us dispose a projector outside.
to be honest we really liked the first idea, the ethanol molecule with liquid which destroy things inside, and the concept of alcohol consequences and projecting some differents video on the balls. we understand you had the idea and you dont really want to change it, and its why you dont let us really participate. however because we think you really had a great idea with the ethanol thing, we would like to find compromise with you. we spoke with our imi technicien, and he said its totally possible to project different video in different balls with just one projector, so we are now thinking to create some less obvious videos than the heart beat and project them into balls.
if you dont want us to project on "your balls" we could do two similar installations, one with the video projected on balls. it can be displayed as a support of your installation. the two wont be visible at the same time, they would be separated by a wall.
let us know what you think.

camille and andrea.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Pulse Room

Hi, guys.
Here is a youtube link to the Pulse Room installation video.
Here is some info:

Pulse Room

Pulse Room is an interactive installation featuring one to three hundred clear incandescent light bulbs, 300 W each and hung from a cable at a height of three metres. The bulbs are uniformly distributed over the exhibition room, filling it completely. An interface placed on a side of the room has a sensor that detects the heart rate of participants. When someone holds the interface, a computer detects his or her pulse and immediately sets off the closest bulb to flash at the exact rhythm of his or her heart. The moment the interface is released all the lights turn off briefly and the flashing sequence advances by one position down the queue, to the next bulb in the grid. Each time someone touches the interface a heart pattern is recorded and this is sent to the first bulb in the grid, pushing ahead all the existing recordings. At any given time the installation shows the recordings from the most recent participants.

Also, have a look at this:
And this:

Pulse Park

Relational Architecture 14
"Pulse Park" is comprised of a matrix of light beams that graze the central oval field of Madison Square Park. Their intensity is entirely modulated by a sensor that measures the heart rate of participants and the resulting effect is the visualization of vital signs, arguably our most symbolic biometric, in an urban scale.

In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of narrow-beam light that will move sequentially down rows of spotlights placed along the perimeter of the lawn as each consecutive participant makes contact with the sensor. The result is a poetic expression of our vital signs, transforming the public space into a fleeting architecture of light and movement.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Volumetric Flasks

Hello Guys,

I have been doing some research about the Ethanol and its formula. And found two important points to take into consideration:

  1. The formula has 3 main elements Carbon, Hidrogene and Oxigen. However they repeat several times, giving a total number of 9 balls ( what it would be flasks for us!)
  2. Since we are using Ethanol and we are basing the whole process on its formula, I thought maybe we could use Volumetric Flasks from the lab instead of normal glass jars. I think it really goes into context.  
So, my point is that if we take into consideration what I just mentioned, instead of 4 flasks maybe we should introduced 9 in our installation, as in the formula, by repeating elements (tar, flesh...)

Also, I found those in the picture for very cheap £4.99 the pack of 5, 250ml. If we decide to go for it, I can buy them and try to find 500ml ones to represent the 3 big elements in the middle of the formula, as in the picture.

Suggestions and opinions asap,please!