Sunday 27 November 2011


Ashlee, i really like the idea with buttons, it looks very pretty and 3D!
I think it will look amazing.
 Have you estimated the cost, it would be nice to have an idea of how many buttons we will need and how much it will cost?
We need to know that in order to proceed.
See you tomorrow, so we can discuss these little issues.

Saturday 26 November 2011


Hi, It would have been nice if someone had sent an email about these matters...i shouldn't have to chase everyone in order to no whats going on. If any choices are made within this group everyone needs to notified. We Dnt use the blog often so it was only by chance i saw this.

Here are a few examples of ways we can show the blood on the floor! and also one of how we shouldnt! all the ones that have been posted so far will be flat, have no depth do we not want something that will look almost 3d??

both of these two pieces where made out of small buttons that is one possible choice.

this materiel is called gum rubber, it comes in quite large sheets unfortunatly at the moment i haven't been able to find any suppilers that sell in a smaller batch than a ton!!! 

here s an exaple of how a velvet type carpet would look, i think i looks horrible!! so id like to rule that out from now!!

also as we have a presentation on monday showing our final design, i have started to put together a power point presentation could you all send me scans of your sketch books and any other information that you think should be included to the presentation!! i have written a list of all the equipment i no which we need and the prices which i am currently aware of could you all also send any cost info which you have as i will need to included this within the presentation.

On Thursday David tooks pictures of the final model which we all made this week but he couldn't take pictures of the different projections which i wanted for my sketch book, and i also wanted to no davids opinion on which he liked best so we could come to a choice as a group but they werent with the model. where have they gone?????